False lashes are a godsend......if you're going to a wedding or special event like New Year's Eve bash. But what will you do when you find that you was run out your false eyelashes?
OMG!!! It's a big trouble! *lol
But don't worry, I've found a trick using a commonplace household ware that can get you the fashionably faux look with honestly real results. Here, discover three easy steps to take your lashes from konventional!
Notice how much thicker, fuller, longer, and blacker the lashes look on the right than the completely bare ones on the left?
Curious? Let's start!!!
See you soon on my next post dear (:
Tya |
Kreatif banget kamu say,, haha boleh....boleh :D
iya say, kan lumayan kalo pengen bulu mata lebih kece tapi tetap terlihat natural hihihi
HapusHalo Isty.. salam kenal yah :)
BalasHapusiya aku juga pernah cobain pake baby powder, keren jadi tebel bulumatanya, hihihi..
nice idea and I love the way you did your eyebrow
mind to make the tutorial? :)
Hai hai Amanda salam kenal juga :D
HapusUdah pernah di post juga belum di blog kamu? hihihi
Ok, nanti aku bikin tutorial untuk eyebrow deh.
Btw, I have already followed your blog (:
Ahhh what a good idea and tutorial <3
BalasHapusAku jug apernah cobain dan emang jadi lebih ber-volume hihihi mantab!
makasih Ri :))
Hapusiya jadi bervolume tanpa perlu tanam alis lol
Kreatif banget :) Thank you infonya.. such a lifesaver
BalasHapusSalam kenal yaa
Hai Ha na, salam kenal aku Tya, Thanks for stoping by :-f
HapusWah langsung dicoba nih :)
Wah Raden maen kesini *.*
HapusWajib dicobain banget kok dear, karena bisa kita tentukan sendiri tingkat ketebalan dari bulu matanya mau seperti apa y-)
thank you for stoping by w-)
udah pernah denger trick ini sebelumnya, tapi belom pernah nyoba sama sekali huahahaha..
BalasHapushasilnya oke juga ya.. jadi lebih dramatic :D
Iya Vania, hasilnya lumayan kok supaya mata terlihat lebih menggoda w-)